Who is a STAR Employee?
We define a STAR Employee as someone who performs in the upper 10% of all the people who are available to fill the position you have open. Who is willing to work for the money that open position pays. Simply put, A STAR Employee is someone in the top 10% of the available pool for that work position.
We constantly hear business owners talk about things like…
- “I don’t know how to find the right person.”
- “I don’t know how to hire top performers.”
- “I don’t know where to start in hiring great people.”
- “I hire someone based on my ‘gut’ feelings and often am wrong.”
- “I hire a person because I get a ‘good feeling’ about them.”
If you are struggling, getting the right employee in the right position, our process will help you.
You can have a process that gives you the best chance to hire the right employee for your business and your business can expect to hire a Star Employee (top 10%) better than 9 out of 10 times by using our customized STAR Employee Selection Process™.
CFR’s STAR Employee Hiring System
CFR & Associates has designed a STAR System that will guarantee that any company will hire and retain the right employee for their open position. The STAR Employee will be able to meet the needs of your company, will not leave or quit under ordinary circumstances and will perform at the level expected of them.
We are so confident that our system will satisfy your employee fulfillment needs and produce quality employees that we guarantee the customized version of this product.
Using the following processes in the template will produce positive results each time you use it. When it is customized to your company’s values, goals, and objectives, it will help you match the right prospect to the right position. Even better, you get to use this proven and effective template forever to fill vacancies in your organization.
Using the Template Will do this for you:
- Hire Star Employees and develop a great organizational culture.
- Guaranteed Interview questions that get right to the heart of the issues.
- Phenomenal processes to evaluate position candidates against the type of candidate you want.
- Spend 80% of the time with candidates you may eventually want to hire.
- Develop a long-term strategy to improve employee performance.
- Processes to welcome and orient new employees into the organization and inculcate them into the STAR CULTURE.
“Picking the right people never gets easy….hiring is real work…and yet, too often we rush headlong into painfully common pitfalls.”
—Jack Welch, Former CEO of General Electric, said in the July 7, 2008 issue of Business Week.
Can there really be a risk-free investment like this? CFR & Associates has taken all the risk out of your employee hiring and retention issues if you use the customized version of the package.
When the package is customized to your company’s design, the prospective employees will line up at the door to work for your company. This Star Package includes comprehensive processes …
That Will Help You In:
- Building the Pool.
- Collecting the Applications and Resumes.
- Rating the Candidates.
- Evaluating the Candidates using custom Score Cards.
- Selecting the top candidates.
- The Phone Interview.
- Rating and Evaluating the Phone Interview Candidates.
- Conducting the in-person interview.
- Making the offer.
- AND… What to do to ensure the successful start of your new Star Employee.
Contact Us: And get started today in hiring your first Star Employee.
The Most Important Breakthrough in Employee Hiring: The CFR System of Star Employee
The Most Important Breakthrough in Employee Hiring: The