Ever struggled on knowing exactly what to focus on for a period of time? In order to avoid the tyranny of the urgent, it is imperative that you have a huge goal for a set period of time that demands and gets your attention. We call this the BHAG. So, what is a BHAG? A […]
Isn’t it really Priority Management? Priorities on time revisited
Many people continue to ask me how can I separate the important things to do from the constant call of the urgent things to do? What a great question. The term generally applied to this is in relationship to “Time Management.” I always respond to this question the same way, you can’t separate them, but […]
Now that you’re seriously considering pursuing government contracting, let’s get your certifications
In the last blog, we looked at all of the certifications. Today, let’s look at how to get them. The federal ones are relatively easy. For the overall Small Business (SB) certification, it is simply a declaration in the System for Award Management (SAM) registration. This is a self-certifying certification and requires no documentation. Be […]
Did you ever think you could get a government contract? Certifications, and the Rule of 3
It’s nice to get back to supporting those of you who are interested in pursuing government contracts with out blogs support. After lengthy period of closing out the calendar year, and supporting our clients in their year-end close, its time to help your business win your first government contract. In the last issues of the […]