Category: Leadership Insights

  • Lead With Value, Not Qualifications

    Lead With Value, Not Qualifications

    One of the fundamental pieces of advice we give small business owners and company leadership is to always lead with your value, not your qualifications. We deal with a lot of small businesses trying to do business with larger corporations. Sometimes they are trying to sell a product or service directly to the larger companies.…

  • The BHAG

    The BHAG

    Ever struggled on knowing exactly what to focus on for a period of time? In order to avoid the tyranny of the urgent, it is imperative that you have a huge goal for a set period of time that demands and gets your attention. We call this the BHAG. So, what is a BHAG? A…

  • Isn’t it really Priority Management? Priorities on time revisited

    Many people continue to ask me how can I separate the important things to do from the constant call of the urgent things to do? What a great question. The term generally applied to this is in relationship to “Time Management.” I always respond to this question the same way, you can’t separate them, but…

  • Is the Post-Recession Economy the real reason you are a Cave Dweller?

    In this economy, it is pretty normal to experience fear and trepidation about the current state of business and the future prospects for your business. However, it is critical to stay focused on the opportunities and not the circumstances, but to be as Stephen Covey says in the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Habit…

  • Breaking Through in this Economy

    Is there some bad news out there, heard any of it lately? Do you believe it? Do you have a choice? A change in attitude, would you agree that business is going to go on? That there is money to be made? What if you project an attitude of gratitude? Law of attraction 10 Strategies…

  • The BHAG and Your Core Values, How do they interrelate?

    The BHAG and Your Core Values, How do they interrelate?

    We previously discussed setting your BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals). Now we discuss how the BHAG and your Core Values go hand-in-hand. Once you have the BHAG firmly established and a part of your daily thoughts, actions and learning, it is time to break the BHAG into its smaller components. Often times, these smaller parts…