Category: Coaching Conversations

  • Business Certifications: Know Your Listener

    Business Certifications: Know Your Listener

    In a recent talk, CFR & Associates highlighted the complexity and importance of business certifications for different organizations. In our years of experience working with various organizations and businesses, we’ve observed a recurring theme: many companies are in the dark about which certifications are relevant to their specific situations. This understanding, or rather the lack…

  • Breaking Through in this Economy

    Is there some bad news out there, heard any of it lately? Do you believe it? Do you have a choice? A change in attitude, would you agree that business is going to go on? That there is money to be made? What if you project an attitude of gratitude? Law of attraction 10 Strategies…

  • Do you think big?

    Are you planning something big for next year. Failing to plan is planning to fail, so I would highly encourage you to think and dream big for next year if you want to make a difference in the life you are living. Below, are a couple of ideas concerning the thought process behind thinking big.…

  • 10 Strategies to Break Through In Any Economy

    10 Strategies to Break Through in This Economy Strategy # 1 Our first Strategy is the most important one because it is one of mindset. It is the personal and powerful decision you have as to how you are going to look at the circumstances you find yourself in, such as the economy you face,…

  • This is a Time for Businesses to Grow

    This is the time for…How did you fill in the blank? I know how I filled it out. Now is the time for remarkable INCREASE in your Business. The opportunities are endless for companies looking to grow. It is time to take a stand against the constant negative rhetoric that is bombarding us at every corner in…

  • The BHAG and Your Core Values, How do they interrelate?

    The BHAG and Your Core Values, How do they interrelate?

    We previously discussed setting your BHAG (Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals). Now we discuss how the BHAG and your Core Values go hand-in-hand. Once you have the BHAG firmly established and a part of your daily thoughts, actions and learning, it is time to break the BHAG into its smaller components. Often times, these smaller parts…

  • Priorities on Time Management Revisited

    Priorities on time revisited Many people continue to ask me how can I separate the important from the urgent in relationship to “Time Management.” What a great question. I always respond the same way, you can’t, you will always have the urgent, but you must focus on the important. The urgent will take care of…

  • The BHAG

    So, what is a BHAG? A big, hairy, audacious goal according to Jim Collins and Jerry Porras in a book they wrote called “Good to Great.” Or, as I describe it, it is a goal so big that everything has to change for it to become a possibility, of becoming the new reality. That is…

  • Priorities on time revisited

    Many people continue to ask me how can I separate the important from the urgent in relationship to “Time Management.” What a great question. I always respond the same way, you can’t, you will always have the urgent, but you must focus on the important. The urgent will take care of itself over time. I…

  • Changing the Paradigm on Time Management

    Changing the Paradigm on Time Management Would it be fair to say that people we consider successful use their time wisely and are high achievers? However, most people struggle with the issue of time management. May I be so bold as to suggest something? Aren’t we all given the same amount of time? 24 hours…

  • Priorities in an Uncertain Time

    One of the questions several of our readers have asked is how do you make the 10 most important things a priority when all of this other stuff is happening? The answer is found in the question, prioritize. You prioritize your most important projects so that they are completed in a timely and excellent manner.…

  • A Vision for a Better Tomorrow Through Business Increase—Yes WE Can

    How can a vision increase your business?  To answer this question we must define vision and the power behind it.  It was August 28, 1963 when Martin Luther King Jr. gave his powerful “I have a dream speech” on the steps of the Lincoln memorial.  It was there that the power of a vision and the possibility of…